Stephen P Ryder
I've been interested in serial killers since middle school, probably from
the commotion of the Bundy and Dahmer cases which took place around that
time. Regardless of the cause of the interest, I soon became intrigued
with the subject, and since then have read countless books and magazines
on the topic. Although I've read about hundreds of specific cases, the
Ripper murders still remain my all time favorite.
Besides this dreary topic, I am also interested in other forms of
criminology, as well as a variety of other sciences such as astronomy,
archaeology, and paleontology. I am currently attending the University of
Delaware under the guise of an English major, but pursuing a career in the
field of forensics. I live there during the school year, and I return
home to Northern New Jersey on breaks.
What I need from you
- Images -- I am looking for images of the Ripper case
(the crime scenes, the suspects, the evidence, etc.) which I can use on
this page in order to provide a more thorough production. The photos can
be found in practically any Ripper book, but I haven't a scanner to image
them with. Anyone who sends an image will be credited on the page for
their gracious contribution.
- Additional Information -- I don't profess to know
everything about the Ripper case, so if anyone does have
information missing on these pages, please feel free to send it to me --
again, you will be credited for your contribution.
- Comments -- I plan on creating a separate page for
reader input, so please feel free to send me any and all comments or
suggestions you may have.
All contributions, comments, and suggestions can be sent to my account at
Stephen P Ryder
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